I know this is a little
late but I sat down and put my heart on paper. Was reluctant at first, wrote
this a couple of weeks ago, however my desire is to inspire! This letter is
truth and growth in its purest form! Hope
you enjoy!
My letter to 2013
The longest year of my life!
You were harsh in the beginning,
basically the entire year. Most of the time I had a constant attitude about
you. Definitely, we were not Seeing Eye to eye. Attacking me and my family, the
list going on and on! What in the world is going on? Isn’t life suppose to get better I thought
to myself. Over and over again, I thought someone was playing a trick on me…
Not one time did you give me a warning to let me know that you would have such
a massive impact? Because of the impact I have learned much. I have learned more
gratitude and the art of letting go. Those two have been the star characters in
2013. You were rough in the beginning almost belligerent but yet refusing to NOT
let me forget the meaning of gratitude and letting go.
You gave me the
platform to embrace new things while pushing me into a place where I am
supposed to be (Destinationà
Destiny). All along I knew that there was something great inside of me but this
is HUGE…Not going to lie it scared me. New relationships have formed and unhealthy
relationships passed. 2013 you have brought me to new and exciting
relationships and for that I am grateful. At, first I did not see your plan but
now I do.
coming to the stage: Loving people at a distance; ß(this one is a doozieL)! Everyone is not going to identify
with, support or believe in YOU! One of my predictions is this just because you
may carry the same D.N.A does not mean I have to break bread or obligate myself
to entertain you. If that small voice inside tells you to remain silent, obey! I
love you and I pray for you because I have to go to heaven and that is all that
is required. The same D.N.A really DOES
coming to the stage: Loving people that have done you
wrong, (I mean dreadfully wrong). My stance on this is simple, “Why waste the energy on allowing them to
take up space in your heart”. I know that I have grown because I now pray
for those people. (But I say, love your enemies! Pray for
those who persecute you! –Matthew 5:44)
Forgive, Release it and
let it go. Is it hard? YES! It is a
process but can be done with time and prayer. If you are fortunate enough to
have someone to talk to then allow them to be a sounding board for what is
going on inside. Hurt is REAL and
sometimes a daily visitor. I Thank God for my sounding boards. They are so
precious to me!
2013 I thank you for
being honest and showing me the “true faces” of people including myself. And in
my revelations I can still love. Thank you for giving me a greater capacity of “LOVE”. I didn’t grasp that my heart
could be so deep and yet so open even after it has been repaired. Always been a
fan of LOVE but OH my goodness, this LOVE thing is serious. A true romantic
indeed but the love that I am referring to only comes from God. Because I love
the creator of all things beautiful, loving is attainable. After all the hurt
that I have endured, I still can love completely and wholly. It has taught me
to love myself, take of care of my body, mind and spirit. For a while I didn’t
think you (2013) would ever arrive but you did. Doctors and others said I would
never see it and if I did see it I would be miserable. I am still here, healthy
Standing firm in my
beliefs and never settling was useful in 2013. If you believe, believe strong!
Second guessing can get you in a world of trouble. Lastly, being honest and
accepting honesty. Check thy own reflection daily! I call it the Power of Self-Assessment.
2013 you have set the stage for 2014. I knew there would be a storm but I
didn’t expect the storm would be this long or even this intense. GEESH!
How can I forget how uncomfortable I was? Getting pushed out of my comfort zone
was SO not cool. Didn’t like it one bit! 2013 the year of discomfort truly! Every
day was something I had to tackle concerning change. In changing I had to
realize in order to achieve my personal goals I must be willing to accept
change with an open mind and stop trying to figure things out. Just go with it!
Now that I understand
the plan and the intent to move me INTO my destiny I can NOW appreciate you.
With that appreciation comes “Thanks and Humility” Though it was long, painful and
torturous it was needed. Thank you for transitioning me into a better woman, and
better human being. God had pre-ordained 2013 for my year of accelerated
training. As, long as there is breathe in my body there will always be room to
In the end, all these
lessons turned into “POWER’S”
planted inside of me! The power of Letting Go, The Power of Gratitude, The
Power of Loving People at a Distance, The Power of Loving People that have done
you wrong. The Power of Relentlessness, The Power to Live and Love ALL of Me,
The Power to be myself, The Power of Being and Accepting Honesty. The Power of
Change, Lastly; The Power to LOVE.