can’t control your bodily functions and they even tell you what to do so how
are you going to control another human being”-mimi.
We are ALL guilty of
wanting control. Of course it is natural for us to “want” our way. The problem
that disturbs me is the scheming of another human life. We want to control our
career, mates, relationships’, family, and others. And we can’t even control
our biological functions. The reality is we have no control over what family
we’re born into, privilege, and poverty or physicality. And you’re trying to
control me for what reason…..
I actually had someone
tell me “I know I am controlling and I
like to have my way. And by the way I don’t intend on changing, so the world
must deal with it”. So, I replied “Seriously,
so how is that working out for you?” I thought to myself #1 this is a nut and #2 I feel sorry for whomever they live
with. This really concerned me, because I began to wonder why and for what. Why do
we feel the need to control? And what purpose does it serve? At the end of the
day do you really win?
For some reason we as
humans think we have a “say so” into how our world is formed. On some levels we
do and others not so much. For the individuals that have money this equals power
which means “control”. And this is how they “create” their world. In some cases
money takes the place of God. The money and power is then used to get folks to “like”
them or to do certain things for them. Creating an illusion that they are “upright”
but fact is they are demons in disguise. Don’t mean to be so blunt but this is
pure witch craft! But eventually it will run out and will be exposed!
There are many ways to
look at control. There is the natural side and the spiritual side. Now on a
spiritual side, God does not control us he gives us a choice.
"Today I have given you the choice
between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and
earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that
you and your descendants might live! – Deuteronomy 30:19
God does not shove his love on you. However his love is always there
and always will be so who are we to feel the need to “Run” someone else’s life.
Don’t claim to know everything but I do know this. I have found out that control
is a sign of insecurity and weakness. And most of this I have learned from
dealing with people in religious organization. It’s sad but the truth. They use
God to manipulate people into doing what they want. And if those same people would
get into the bible they will then discover that God does not require any of
that. When I do come across people like that “I pray and I stay away”!
I am guilty of wanting
control and the control I am referring to is “my life”. Several things have
taken place in the last few months: Changed careers, business opportunities, ministry,
and family and the list goes on. Often I would feel that God was taking too
long and I could get it done quicker, so I thought. However, life has proven me
wrong and I had to get the wind knocked out of me (several times). There is
these traits called “stubbornness, strong willed, & hard headedness” that
show up sometimes. Every so often these traits have worked for me and have
given good success. For example: weight loss, education, & loving myself
completely. But when it comes to the “will” of God not so much! I’ve had to
master when to use them and when not too.
My recollection had to prompt
me of the prayer I prayed several years ago: “Lord Keep me in the center of your perfect will not my will but thine will be done. I might not understand or
even like it but help me to adjust to it and stay strong because your will is designed just for me” – TricaB
Not only was this a prayer but it was a
commitment that I made to God to always “Stay” in the center of his perfect
will. Which means I had relinquished all of my control to God in order for him
to do what he wants. I had enough sense to humble myself and realize that God
is in control of “my life”. This hasn’t nothing
to with me. It’s not because of my appearances or how good I can sing or
whatever. Because as long as I am living there will always be someone more
talented than me. That is a Fact! God thought well enough of me to use me for
his “Glory” and to be completely transparent I really don’t care who likes it
or not!
“For your glory I would do anything, just to see you and to behold
you as my king. Just want to be where you are”- Tasha Cobbs
Yes! I have dreams and Goals but those dreams
mean nothing if they are not centered in his “will”. And yes this was my choice
no one forced me do this. I made a concrete decision to allow God to write the
lesson plan for "my life". God always reminds me “Trica, You don’t Run nothing”…
Peace and Blessings!