This is the perfect
time to discuss one of the most important men in my life. Not until recently I
discovered the man that I call “daddy” was a divine set up. This man has brought
so much LOVE to my world. I didn’t want to wait until “Father’s Day” to honor
him. And because of the influence he has had in my life, I would not have
wanted it any other way. He doesn’t like much hoopla but he gave me his
blessing so here goes.
We first met when I was
two years old and they say we fell instantly in love. I became his shadow and
wanted to follow him around everywhere he went. Not knowing that he would be a
thorn in my flesh later on in life. LOL! The only time we didn’t see eye to eye was
when he and my mother would go out on dates. I remember passing out because I
felt like “why I am not invited?” (I
was suffering from separation anxiety.) LOL! However, we became so attached to each other
where most people did not know that he was not my biology father.
When he asked my mother
to marry him he made it very clear that “She
is my child and we will never use the word “stepfather/stepdaughter” in this
house. She is mine now! I can honestly say not one day have I felt the need
to otter those words. Most people would argue they don’t believe it or somebody
is lying but it is the truth. God put a man in my life that I am proud to call
my dad!
This doesn’t take away
the D.N.A I carry but it illustrates how awesome God is. It shows the plans
that God had set up for me. No I am not ignorant of the blood I carry from the
late Rev. James L. Moore, because certain divine musical abilities were passed
down to me. He was a musical genius indeed and a heritage that I am proud of.
Just being a little
transparent, growing up it was a little uncomfortable to deal with because I
didn’t know where to put all of it. And some people were so ignorant and heartless.
They would say some horrible things to me and my mother’s. Thank God for Grace
and Mercy because there were times when the expression on my mother’s face
would be traumatic for me. I knew she wanted to reach down in their throats and
rip their tongues out their mouths. Again, Thank God for Jesus! (True story)
I didn’t want my dad to
feel bad or less than but it was okay to love the both of them and still honor
them. Once I caught the revelation of that, things became a lot easier. Not once
did my mother speak negative of who my birth father was. She allowed me the
opportunity to see “Him” for myself.
And because of that it created a good perspective on the situation and how I
viewed men. Because of that I can have a healthy relationship with a man and
not put them in the same category. My mother did her best to allow me to figure
things out on my own and for me to make my own decision about my birth father.
Life has a way of
allowing your eyes to be open and to see the people that are in it. Sometimes
scary moments happen in order for “eyes” to be open. A couple weeks ago I took
my dad to his doctor appointment and a half hour later they were admitting him
and for the first time in my life I thought I was going to lose him. “Not my daddy, the man that has drawn me closer to God. He is gift from God for me. This
can’t be happening, I Love This Man”.
to console my mother I took a moment for myself and stepped outside and called
a good friend of mine. (You know who you are, “Thank You”)
Mentally trying to put
all the pieces together and then I prayed. My
Prayer: “Lord you said you would
never leave me or forsake me, now I need you to help me to be strong for my
mother. Whatever pains that I may be feeling numb it with your love In Jesus
Name Amen.
Went back into the room
gave my dad a pep talk and then loved on my mother. Have to admit it was painful to see my mother
so distraught. My mother is usually “wonder woman”, but that was not the case
this day. She gave me the “wonder woman ID badge” and I took the role. The pain
and the distress that was in her eyes said it all.
When it was time to put
my dad in his room he was not happy. He did his very best to convince me and
everyone else that nothing was wrong but all along I knew he was not well. God
knew this day was coming and he gave me the strength to carry my parents. I
feel honored and humbled that God would entrust me with their feelings. Whoever
welcomes a prophet as a prophet will receive a prophet's reward, and whoever
welcomes a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous
person's reward. – Matthew10:41
Despite the doctor’s reports,
God prevailed and my father is home and doing well. This was a scary situation
for me but my trust in God is much stronger. We hear this all the time appreciate the people in your life. But do we? Those that know the depth of my relationship
with my parents know that I am fanatical about them and I could not see life
without them. As a matter of fact I don’t even want to imagine that. When I
love, I LOVE HARD, one of the many traits that I was born with. Not all will
understand but that is okay.
Appreciate those in your life that appreciate
you and LOVE HARD for those that love you I guarantee the return will be worth
it!- TricaB
Peace and Blessings!
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