Way minute you still blogging? Yup I sure am! So you thought that I took several seats but um, there is this thing called relentlessness that happens to be attached to my personality which will not allow me to do that at this time. K! Love you with the Love of the Lort! J Oh now where was I?
Here we are another moment in time still werk, werk werking!! LOL had to throw that in there. I digress but that is funny! Well let’s see…How do I sum up the last four months? I will start off with one word “Promotions”. Yes with an “s”. Defined as this- The act or fact of being raised in position or rank. To all that may be wondering. I did not ask for this it happened by the divine hand of God! I repeat I DID NOT ASK FOR THIS!
Being in the center of God’s perfect will come with many things that were not asked for. Those that really know me, know that I would prefer to be left alone chilling in the background pushing someone else. However, God did not see it that way. Now I am at the point where if God says move I move. I don’t care who doesn’t like it. The rewards of this have literally blown my edges WAYYYYY back! It sounds funny but I am so serious. The things that have been happening to me have left me speechless. God is GREAT!
Assignments come with a price tag. Yes it is a promotion but it is also connected to a "God assignment". Trying to explain this to a carnal minded person is impossible but those that are spiritual will get this right away. I have learned when you are on a "God assignment" a lot of people will turn on you and there will also be a lot of oppositions. The key here is being strong in the Lord. Not realizing that I was being prepared for such a time as this.
Promotions can bring a lot of loneliness. The people you thought were in your corner, will turn the corner and leave you high and drive.
Promotions can bring jealousy. Who does she think she is? If I had a dime for every time I heard that! Geesh, I know for a fact I would be rich by now, but I say who cares?
Promotions can be uncomfortable. Being stretched and pulled in directions that you didn’t think were possible. With God all things are possible-Matt 19:26
Promotions and Assignments do not always make you popular. I was never popular to begin with, so I am not really concern with that one.
The only way one can gain a promotion is this: There must be a level or growth/maturity, training that has taken place and because of this a person is now ready to for the higher position. Promotion cannot come if you are not prepared to handle it. God will not give you something that you are NOT ready for. For example: I want new furniture but I haven’t gotten rid of the old. I have to make room and prepare my home to receive the new furniture.
There is more responsibility and accountability that comes with this and lets be honest who wants that ALL the time. Learning to juggle every little detail of your life along with making time for yourself. Definitely not an easy task. I can do all things through Christ that strengthen me- Philippians 4:13
I don’t boast in myself but I boast in the Lord when I say this, I have earned my stripes through years of pain, blood, struggle, tears, rejections, and on and on. Through all of this I had to be humbled and broken. Not everyone is willing to be humbled and broken. If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land-Isaiah 1:19 I will let you in on a little secret “willing and obedient” work together. Cannot have one without the other. Trust me I tried it and it doesn’t work. People want all of the gilts and titles but have NOOO idea the suffering that had to be endured. For me it was VERY expensive and I didn’t get no change back. Many have seen me smile but, had no idea how hard I had to pray for God to keep it there.
My Prayer: “Lord Keep me in the center of your perfect will not my will but thine will be done. I might not understand or even like it but help me to adjust to it and stay strong because your will is designed just for me” – TricaB™
Maturity is available for those that will accept it-Trica B
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