Thursday, September 12, 2013

International Faith Conference at Living Word Christian Center 2013

This week has been SHO NUFF AMAZING….!!! I had to drop by and give all of you an update on this week’s events.  It started early Monday morning. Prior to that my father had given me advice on what I needed to do in order to prepare myself for the blessings of God. To summarize the conversation it is clearly “Positioning”. There was a dying of myself because I TRULY did not want to be bothered if you know what I mean. My personality comes in so many dimensions. But the side I am referring to is being an introvert and allowing the extrovert to take over when necessary. There were things that I had to open my mind to in order to step INTO. Of course this scared me but “God has not given me the spirit of Fear but of Power Love and a sound mind  (2 Timothy 1:7)."

*Now back to early Monday morning* Did I say that this week has been AMAZING…just in case you missed it!! LOL. Both I and my mother were honored to be guest at Bill Winston Ministries Annual Women’s Luncheon held during 2013 International Faith Conference at Living Word Christian Center. The moment we hit the door you could feel the present of the Lord. Pastor Kimberly Ray was the speaker and there are NO words to explain that. All I have to say is (Mark 11:23-24). “God has given you voice activation power to speak to the mountain-Pastor Kimberly Ray."

 Let me just add that my father was right on this one! Thank God I had the “will” to obey because I was blessed indeed!!

Tuesday night at the International Faith Conference held at Living Word Christian Center Dr. Jesse Duplantis was the speaker. “Believe the Unbelievable” was the message.  Mark 11:23-24 popped up again! Ok Lord, talk to me because you obviously want me to get this. So here goes...Believe the things that are OUTSIDE the box. For me I never did have a box mentality. I can’t really move around in a box, not enough room!!  The ability to Believe things the human mind cannot comprehend. All the logic goes right of the door. Dr. Duplantis was so good that I was trying to take notes and listen at the same time. He is one of my favorite preachers. I got to get the DVD. There was so much to absorb but I will say this, you should no longer be concerned about the “HOW” of what is need/want in your life. JUST BELIEVE. Faith is right NOW, not LATER.

Faith is Present tense my friend. It is SO Simple... (Light Bulb moment!) Ok I could go on and on about that...
Praise and Worship was EPIC on Wednesday night….Todd Dulaney and LWC choir ushered in the present of God. Being a natural praise and worshipper myself I was truly in my element. I could have stayed right there the entire night. Dr. Creflo A. Dollar brought the word and it completely enlightened my thinking process. The way he dissected God’s Grace for your life was refreshing. “Grace is unlimited favor for your life. God is not good to you because you’re good. God is Good to you because God is GOOD…-Dr. Creflo DollarThank God for Grace because I would not be here without it. Then to put the icing on the cake Donald Lawrence & Company just tore up the place.  LAWD HAVE MERCY…!!! “There Remained a Rest…”ß---This song right here messed me up! New CD is coming out September 24, 2013 go get it! I highly recommend you to purchase this CD. 

Donald Lawrence & Company

There were SO many awesome things that took place; these were just some highlights I wanted to share with you! If there was a thing as being “HAPPY” for NO reason I would say that BUT I got a BILLION reasons why I am Happy in Jesus at this Present Moment. When God gives you a divine understanding on things you struggle with, it FREE’s you from Religious thinking. So glad I am free…
Excuse me but I have to run “Divine Favor” has just landed and I gotta catch my flight… J (TricaB)
Have a great Weekend!

Till Next Time!
Trica B

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