Tuesday, October 1, 2013

W O W.....

My feelings right now are indescribable! Yesterday I had the privilege of celebrating another year of life, 34 years young to be exact. No matter what the challenges have been it has been a GOOD life and I am just getting started! At first I was a little flipped out about my birthday but I had to be reminded of how SPECIAL it is. Life teaches you how to appreciate what you have only if you realize it. Sickness and other things were trying to settle into my life but I was not HAVING IT!

Many days I would wake up in SOOO much pain and discomfort I didn’t think I was going to make it. This might sound a little dramatic but I thought I was going to DIE. (LIKE SERIOUSLY!)  There wasn’t enough pain medicine in the world that could relieve the pain I was in. But I held on to the word of God because that was my source for complete healing. Was it hard? HECK YES IT was HARD!!! But GOD…  

All of those things were set in place for me to be a blessing to someone else. When people look at me they only see the end results but there is a story behind my smile. I smile because God has given me another opportunity to inspire and motivate others. It might sound cheesy or even churchy but I smile because God did something on the inside as well as the outside. No man or woman could have done that for me. I love me some JESUS!! (Excuse the Ebonics)

It is a decision I made a long time ago to ALLOW GOD to be the Center of my world. If you make him the center of your world then you will attract GREAT things in your life. Your spirit will transport great things/people INTO your life.  Believe me on this one! God has been loyal and faithful to me so it should be a no brainer for me to give him that in return.

Is it really that easy? You might say to yourself. NO it is not. This comes with much sacrifice and dying to self daily. To be completely transparent, many of days I don’t want to be bothered with Nobody, Nothing and No one! I am like PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!!! (Don’t judge me y’all I am a work in progress)
 Trica you can’t be like that, you are in Ministry and people are looking at you so get it together and get over yourself”!! I am always putting myself in check. But I will say the rewards for obedience are AWESOME!! I obey because I love God. (Another reason why I am smiling)
Let me just encourage all of you to “Keep” your Smile. You’re only just passing through the test;it is not a permanent residence. I heard Bishop Willie James Campbell say: “God never gives you a fight you can’t win.”

*Special thanks to my wonderful family and friends for making this past weekend an unforgettable weekend! There was a special “Request” that I wanted from God and he answered it on my Birthday! God cares just that much for me and he cares that much for you too!! W O W… There are no words….Beside blessing me with great health and a sound mind the gift I received was by far the BEST Birthday Gift a girl could ever receive. (I am pretty sure you want to know what it is but I’m not telling haha!J) I am STILL on cloud nine and I plan on being like this for a LONG WHILE…. *
Peace and Blessings to all of you!!
Just Keep on Smiling!! 

Till Next Time!


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