Thursday, May 30, 2013

My Commitment/Vow

It is amazing when you make a commitment/vow whether it be spiritual or natural you will be challenged on the "the words" that come out of your mouth. Many many months ago I made a commitment/vow and my exact words were "Lord Keep me in the CENTER of your perfect will". Saying this I was releasing my will and accepting his will. At that moment I had no idea what I was truly saying. So, those words resurfaced into my brain. I pondered, I stewed, I questioned, and I analyzed every word that I said. The conclusion was inevitable! That very moment of dedicating my life to Gods will I meant it. There was no doubt or question that my life was about to take an incomprehensible shift.

 Ladies and Gentlemen now coming to stage;  ABANDONMENT, PANIC, BROKENNESS, SELF DOUBT, WORRY, QUESTIONING of SELF, EMPTINESS, and the main headliner FEAR. All of these characters work together to produce EGO STRIPPING, and HUMBLING!!! I do not care how many times we hear scriptures and read affirmation when it hits your front door step the first thing we want to do is RUN.... That was my case! It is a whole different ball game. And of course the first thing I did was pull out the scriptures and watch the tapes, pray and snot all over my bedroom floor thinking that in the morning I am going to feel better BUT...I didn't. I felt like I was going through this never ending tunnel of emotion and of course self pity. So the question of the week "What do you do when you pray, do all those wonderful things they say to do and none of it works? It’s not that I doubt God or his word I just realize that sometimes God just stands still. This is the part where you have to do the work and really fight the principalities of the air and in that give him CONSTANT thanks.

As, humans we are always trying to find earthly and material things to make us happy but what if you don't have access to none of that. I picked up the bible and for the first time in my life I could not say my favorite scripture out loud. It was like I had paralyzes of the mouth. So tears began to form in my eyes and I just wept holding the bible because "FEAR" had taken center stage. The process of Ego stripping and humbling is Painful and uncomfortable. The only example I can use is going to the doctor. No one likes to go but you just grin and bear it. But because I love God and my heart is right I breathe right through it. Either I can chose to accept the process or be miserable for the rest of my life. God’s way or my way. It is obvious that my way is not working. This is all because of the commitment I made to God. If I hadn't uttered those words I'm pretty sure my life would have taken another turn. Would I have been happier spiritually or naturally, I doubt it!

I'm sure your wondering do I regret my commitment to God. "NO WAY".... My love for him goes deeper than any ocean known to man. Someone told me that "I am in the making and molding process". For a simpler example it’s like marriage vows. That moment when you stand before God, Family, and that person you love, those words that you speak into the air ignites power especially if that mate is created just for you. The both of you make a lifelong commitment and promise to each other. We can guarantee that life, and time will test your EVERY word. But because you love each other and you love God, you work hard, pray hard and love hard. And this is the same concept with God. Because I love God I accept the process and stand by my commitment/vow!!

Till Next Time!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Moms (Mimi's) Update

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!

Thank God for the weekend!! WaHoo! Monday is Memorial Day, so lets enjoy it with family and friends and most of all take the time to enjoy the moment. And for those of you that have to work still try to find the time to enjoy it! Also we don't want to forget the memory of the people that have fought and served for our country. So many men and women have sacrificed for us and we should not forget that. I don't care how corrupt America may be I am still proud to be an American. Just thought I would share that!

Be safe and have a wonderful Holiday Weekend!
Till Next Time!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Random but Great thoughts!!

Finding old pictures is harder than I thought! But I do want to express my Thanks to all of you that have waited patiently for my new series. I will say that I am working very hard to make that happen but in the mean time just wanted to express some random thoughts.

God has an interesting way of teaching you things in life. When I was a kid I had no idea that my life would turn out the way it did, not that I am complaining just explaining. I have noticed that when you completely allow God to CONTROL your life expect some strange and usually things to happen. Being the woman that I am I always want to know what is going on and how it is going to work. In other words logistics! Please Oh Please do not keep me in the dark I just want to know what is going to happen next. This can be a flaw but also a good quality to have.

Everyone in my family knows that I am the planner. Schedules, Itinerary's, Planners etc. are all my VERY best friends! Not being organized is just horrible; the thought of it gives me a headache.... (Take a deep breath)!! I almost blackout for a minute come back this way Trica!  OK, Now what was I saying? The life lesson here is staying calm, keeping the faith and knowing what your life's purpose is. The real question is do you REALLY believe what God says or are you just perpetrating. We are all guilty of talking smack every once in a while but to truly believe is a whole different story.

My parents raised me to be a person of your word. If you say you’re going to do something do it if not, don't just ignore the fact that you put yourself out there. She always said communicate, stay committed to your word and consider the other persons feelings. For example; saying "I Love You". Do you really mean it or it just felt good at the time. Another example comes to mind..."If you need anything just call me, I am here if you need me".... (This one I am guilty of). The crazy thing about that statement is when you really need the person they are nowhere to be found. Trust me it is not a good feeling on the receiving in. Could it be that we have lost our heart because of life's disappointments?

The point I am trying to make is we expect God to answer and give us results when we talk to him so why can't we do that for each other. What is the real problem? As a society we have become SO self absorbed in our lives. (Yes I am, guilty too) We fail to think that we need each other.  It is kind of sad because people make promises all the time but we have become immune to lies and nonsense. All they are doing is just honestly lying!! (Heard a preacher say that) We make our promises to God and don't mean it. It would be a scary thing to think, what if God became immune to our lies and nonsense? Thank God for the twins Grace and Mercy!

In this, I have learned if you really want to do, say or achieve anything in life you will find a way to do it. And you know why, because your HEART is in it. You care and you mean it! I don't care what is going on in life you’re going to find a way to get it done and make it happen. If you want to be a doctor or lawyer and you made a promise to yourself to achieve it then it will happen because your heart is in it. Or something simple, you made a promise to your child or significant other that you’re going to take them out. Trust me you will let nothing get in your way.

 I truly believe your actions reflect your hearts position. So ask yourself where is my heart? If you love someone tell them, if you want to spend time with someone do it, and if want to be something great in life do it. And of course, if you love God tell him and watch him keep his promises to you. Trust me I tried it and it works!

Till Next Time!


Monday, May 20, 2013

Commercial Break!

Quick commercial Break... just had to take a moment to support my girl in her new business venture...My bestie JoJo Beans!! I am so proud of her!

Go ahead and check it out!!

Joann Ellison

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Where it all began!

 So for the last few days I have been on a serious hunt to find some baby pictures and let me just say it was not easy. Once I did found these pictures my mind began to drift and I started thinking, most of the pictures that I discovered was a silly smile on my face. So I took that thought a little bit further "why was I so darn happy all the time?" I asked my mother this question and to my disappointment she had no answer to give me. Don't get me wrong world there is nothing wrong with being happy, but it has to be something much deeper. This would explain why I am so silly now! My mom did share with me that If I was sick or something I would never cry instead I would be in my crib cracking up. The only way she would know if I was sick or had a fever would be by feeling my head or just merely going by her motherly instinct. Yeah I know...!!! Strange...

 As you could see I was laughing at something!! *side note* Would you believe my grandmother still has this couch and it looks the same way? (LOL!!) They don't make furniture like this anymore...

 I completely adore this picture of me and my mimi! There are no words to express the emotion that I feel every time I look at this pic... (SMILE)!!!

This is just the beginning!!! More to come....

Till Next Time!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Upcoming Series!

This weekend was nice, quiet and peaceful! And of course it was extra special because it was Mother's Day!! WHOO HOO!! Yes I know, everyone knows that I LOVE my mother (Mimi). However, I promise   not to bore you with any mushy stuff. Just for inquiring minds that day was nice and my father, brother and I made her very happy.

So in the world of TRICA, I will start from the beginning on how my world started just to give you more insight on what makes my world go round. I promised that I would give you readers/bloggers a closer look and I am going to do just that. My mission is to give highlights of my life and in that encouragement. There might be videos and plenty of pictures of course. (Oh how I love pictures!!) Pictures have a way of triggering so many emotions and memories. So stay tune!! 

In the meantime let me know what you think! 

Have a great week and enjoy this fabulous weather!

Till next time!
Trica B! 

*Oh Yeah I forgot to wish my niecey poo Gabe a "Happy 6th Birthday"- Auntie Trica loves you!*

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!!

To all of you mothers and mothers to be HAPPY MOTHER'S Day!! Take the time to enjoy every single second that you have with your mother...(I sure am!) Truth be told everyday is mother's day....
OK, now back to my Sunday feast!!

Till next time!!
Trica B

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Technical difficultly!

Technical difficultly!
I have several videos that I have uploaded and they are not working for the moment. However, I am working on that and will keep you posted as to when they will be up and working. Please bear with me I am new to this and I am learning as I go!! Have a Wonderful Wednesday!!

Till next time!!
Trica B


    Now on a more serious note, I want to express how grateful to God for allowing me to go through surgery with no complications. My mind went back to the day of surgery and how my family was there with me the entire day and not once did they complain! I remember waking up from surgery looking at the clock in shock because it was 6 p.m. and all I could think about was my family. I asked the nurse was the clock right, I was so concerned about my family waiting all that time. The nurse kept telling me "don't worry about that I am sure they’re not thinking about that". Here I was connected to wires, IV's, and other foreign objects but my heart was focused on my family! Even while writing this there is a "Thankful" spirit that comes over me because there are so many people that have no family and no support.

My whole life has been full of "more than enough"! It has taken me my entire life to realize that I have always had more than enough love, support, and material things. Only God can make this happen. When I tell people this they think you’re just spoiled or lucky and I beg to differ it is none of those things it is God almighty that has blessed me!!! From birth God has had his hand on my life and I got enough sense to know that. My mother told me that when she was carrying me she knew that I was going to be a "light to the world offering many gifts and talents". So of course my mind went to Psalms 139:13-14 (NIV) – For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made: your works are wonderful, I know that full well! 

God is so AMAZING he already designed my destiny so therefore my results for failure are impossible. But of course, I must stay on the path that he has designed for me and learn the lessons that come with remaining successful. I heard someone say "we all have a closets some fuller than others but it is up to you what you want to do with what’s in it". My path has been rocky, bumpy, and scary. Been through a lot of defeat, hurt and rejection but through all of that I have RECOVERED!!!

Till next time!

Monday, May 6, 2013

The World of Tattered Nerves Continues!!

At this point, I was so delirious because I couldn't tell if I was out of breathe or needed to be rush to the emergency room. I was so tired I kept running my mother's injured leg into the wall today. However, God had a lot of rams in the bush. There were a lot of friendly helpful people assisting us. It was after 2:30 p.m. and I was completely out of my mind!! Thank God for Jesus. You might ask yourself why? I had been rolling my mother around sense 8:05 a.m. this morning. But I said to myself, its my mother and now was my turn to be the wheel chair driver. Her injury came about by jumping rope around the track like she is 19. GO FIGURE!!! Lord Help the seniors! Furthermore, she did get a prayer answered and was able to get her MRI today so prayerfully we will know what is really going on next week!! Then I can be delivered from the "wheel chair driving ministry"...

The World of Happy Reports but Tattered Nerves!

The doctor gave me so much good news I was just so happy to get out of there with no negative report. I already knew that God heard my prayer so I was not worried about it.
Now on a lighter note, my appointment was over with and I just knew at this point I was not going to make it!! This was a long but positive day. My appointment was at 8:15 a.m.  And I knew that I was going be home before 10:30. I looked up and I had a surprise appointment for my mother at 1:00, so or course by then my nerves were tattered.

The World of SENIOR DUTY!!!

So I got a little carried away today! I was on "HELP" the senior duty today...Whew!! what a day but I got through it! I almost forgot I had surgery...My mom played the patient.

Happy Anniversary!!

Happy Anniversary to Me!!! Celebrating One month Post Op...

Friday, May 3, 2013

The World Of Recovery Continues!

 My intentions were to post some pic's of the demon drains but they are just to disgusting even for me. So I will omit that part of the recovery process. In going through this I have learned the power of patience and trusting God. Most of the time I am pretty hard on myself and I don't give myself the credit that I should. However, I have learned that I am stronger than I think I am.

 I don't like being sick I don't like hurting and I don't like waiting. (Duh!!! Well who does?) I had no idea that recovery would be so taxing. My body went through complete shock and in that I had to have a blood transfusion. I did not realize the depth of what was happening to me but in all of that God had his hand on me and he still does. Once I arrived home that is when the real challenges began to take place. It was hard getting comfortable, not being able to sleep correctly because I could not lie flat on my back so therefore I had to sleep sitting up. 

My blood sugar would drop and I would be shaken uncontrollably. And let’s not forget the wonderful night sweats, my sheets would be soaked. (YUCK!!) This was not cool. It took three weeks for me to regain my full appetite. The battle to eat was depressing. It was crazy because I would know I need to eat but my mind and my stomach were not working together. After putting two or three bites in my mouth I immediately became repulsed. My stomach was constantly in knots and the gas pains were unbelievable. I am not going to lie it did scare me but I knew I would be fine and this is all a part of the process. 

My outlook on the word RECOVERY is so different now! Me being the nerd that I am I looked it up and the definition is simple; restoration or return to any former and better state or condition. Furthermore I had to allow myself to accept the process and be patient. Recovery is all a part of the process! 


The World of Recovery 3!!!!

On this day I was a little disgusted because I wanted all of the demon drains removed but somehow I managed to survive it!

The World Of Recovery 2!!!!

Let me just say that recovery is no party time!! These past few weeks have been a wild ride. To be perfectly honest I thought I was going to lose my mind. So here is quick run down. They removed a tumor the size of a large soft ball and then removed 15 pounds of skin, which left me with a total 120 staples (OUCH!!) and let me not forget those wonderful 6 drains. I called those them demon drain they are pretty disgusting! Pictures will be below. It was a fight but of course I won!