Friday, August 30, 2013

Take your time but PLEASE hurry up!

“Take your time but please hurry up” A phrase I have adopted from my grandpa Oliver. Can’t tell you the countless times I have said this phrase. Why do we feel like we need to be in control of everything? Why are we always in a hurry? We rush to bed, rush to sleep, rush to eat, rush to work, rush to get home, and then we rush to do it all over again.

My mother always told me “stop rushing because you are rushing your life away. Enjoy every moment and every second of the day”. It is a reflective statement, it sounds simple but tough. (Please don’t judge what I am about to say!) So of course, that statement is hard for me. Because I am a time conscious individual whom loves words like organize, planning, itineraries, schedule, formats, arrange, deadline, follow-ups etc. Those words excite me. What the heck is up with this girl? You say to yourself. I am just a chic that does not like confusion when it comes to my life. For me, everything must flow and be in order. Order is “pure love” for me and it gives me a sense of peace.

People that know me will agree that even my thoughts are organized in alphabetical order. This could come across as a disorder but I hope not! K .  Some would say anal, some would say control issues who knows! I am the strange woman that LOVES logistics. Post-its, notebooks, planners, alarms etc. are things that I use on regular bases to keep me in order. Routine is how I function daily and when my routine is broken it can be challenging for me to adjust.

Ok now that I have rambled on about my issues with order. The lessons behind all of that is I had to learn that you cannot control EVERYTHING in your life it is not possible. Adjustment/Flexibility was something that I was forced to accept. Life has a way of making you relax and take it one day at a time. Once I accepted adjustment/ flexibility things began to make fall into place. I had to let go of the logical part of my nature and lean on the spiritual. This has been my biggest struggle. Constantly learning that the things I can keep in order keep in order and the things that I have no control over let it go. Daily my “will” is always being tested because there is no such thing as complete order ALL the time, it does not exist.  Some say that age has a lot to do with it but the jury is still out on that. I can hear my parents say “Be anxious for nothing my child, God has it all under control.”

The next lesson I had to learn is when you ask God to be the center of EVERYTHING you do, you automatically lose control. God cannot work if I am always in the way. When I get in the way or try to give God orders it delays the progress of my prayers which leads to my famous statement “Take your time but please hurry up”. Get out of the way Trica and let God take control. He doesn’t need my help. Just take care of the things you can control and let God handle the rest. Lord keep me in the center of your perfect will not my will but your will be done.

Even though I love logistics God is the creator of logistics. He never makes mistakes, “All things work together for the good of them who love the lord” Romans 8:28 ß---There it is! 

Have a great weekend and enjoy the Holiday!J
Till next time!
Trica B

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Beginning 9!

Hope you had a great weekend! I sure did..
 It's time to go back down memory lane again! :)  Pictures have a way of preserving the past.  Just wanted to share some pictures of "Mi Familia" Hope you enjoy it.. 

Me and the BFF! 

Ciara & Uncle Kurt

My brothers...Clowning as usual! 

My lil G

"My Chicken Little"- Jordan


The Parents...Mimi and Dad

Me and Ciara (CeCe)

Cece & Jay

Mimi & CeCe (Ciara's 8th grade graduation)

Till next time!
Trica B

Follow Me! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Please Be Quiet!

Happy Tuesday! 

  Its 5:30 a.m. why do people feel the need to sing LOUDLY while working out. Now mind you I have my headphones on and I can still hear this lady singing at the top of her lungs.  She had on headphones as well. Isn't this the point of headphones so that you can enjoy the pleasure of listening to yourself without distracting others? Maybe I was wrong! LOL!  This went on for an hour or so. First, its 5:30 a.m. which is so out of character for me to be up that early; Second I am struggling to get through my exercise routine; Third, No one I repeat No one wants to hear you singing that early in the morning! You are not the only one in the club madam. ARE YOU SERIOUS??? 

  Then she gets off of the machine and starts dancing like she is at the club. I was so repulsed and in complete disbelief! “This was a perfect ghetto mess moment”. This went on for a good hour or so. At, first I thought I was still dreaming due to the fact that I had not drunk any coffee and still delirious from still being sleepy. 

  My workout was complete and I had taken my shower put on some fresh clothes. And would you believe this lady followed me into the lady's locker room and still wanted to give me a concert. There was no else in the stalls but me. While changing my clothes she stood at the sink still singing! I am like LADY IF YOU DON'T PLEASE BE QUIET!! My conclusion, this is a plot to disturb my peaceful workout!
So of course being analytic I said to myself “don't you realize you’re loud and everyone can hear you”? She did not care. So I knew then this young lady has some issues. 

  This woman was trying to so hard to get attention from any and everybody. Usually these sorts of things don't bother me but, as you can see it really worked on my LAST NERVE. Can’t blame everything on the devil but, I was so close to thinking this was the devil trying to annoy me. I knew then this was going to be a GREAT day!

  Don’t get me wrong, I am the biggest music lover I know. J There is music always around me, be it my phone, laptop, MP3 Player, IPod, my vehicle and even in my head. (There is a 24 hour concert in my head and admission is always free!) But seriously, there is a time and a place for everything.

  Now, the lesson from this is practice consideration for others around you and in public settings; perfect example Library, Doctors waiting room/offices and Health club/spa. Library- trying to study. Doctors offices - you really don’t want to be there or preparing for some kind of news. The Health club/spa’s- it is a place of relaxation and pure focus.
We all have are vices and things that get on our nerves. One thing I have noticed in today’s society there is absolutely no consideration for others. What happen to pure thoughtfulness and courtesy? Does anyone practice manners anymore?  I could remember a time if my mom heard me singing or talking out loud in public I would have received and nice pop in the mouth. Grown or not you would get knocked clean out! You better believe it!! If you don’t believe me ask my brother. If you don’t know my brother asks my grandmother (lil G)!  If you don’t know either one of them just take my word for it… (TRUE STORY…)

Till Next Time!
Trica B

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Friday, August 16, 2013

I don't want to DIE!!!

The process of starting all over again can be draining and over whelming. Three weeks ago, I went back to working out and let me just say it has been a challenge. For me I don't like starting all over again because I had to reprogram my brain. I began my transformation three years ago and it has been a TRUE test. It has been 5 1/2 months since I've work-out and I can feel every bit of it.

Prior to surgery I was on a strict workout routine and I loved it. I also worked up the nerve to get a personal trainer. Not knowing what I was getting myself into! LOL…But I don’t regret it. Working out and eating right became my world and I was so relentless with it.

Struggling with weight all my life has been no joy ride. Overweight, unhealthy and in ministry was not working for me. It was a death sentence. When the doctor walked in the room and told me that I had to get serious about my health or else I would be dead in a few years was enough for me. We can quote all of the healing scriptures in the world but if we do not do our part to change what is wrong then those scriptures have no power.  I had made up my mind that I was going to live and while living be healthy. There is much work for me to do and being in that shape, I was not going to make it. 

This frightened me and I thought "Lord I don't want to die, I am too young?" I had to ask God to help me because I was seriously hurting inside. Healing needed to take place in my mind, spirit and then my heart. My go-to for self soothing hurt was emotional eating. Women all over the world know exactly what I mean. Stress is a constant visitor that we never invite but somehow makes its way into our world. This was another moment of self assessment for me. I had to get to the root of my problem. To my discovery there was a lot of hurt and pain that I was still carrying from my divorce. 

The moment I made up my mind I was going to change my entire lifestyle the warfare began. There were constant visits to the emergency room, and hospital stays, medications up the ying-yang and pain that you not want your worst enemy to have. Everything you could possibly imagine started to shut down in my body.
So, for us spiritual folks we should know that Satan operates off of fear so; this would have been a perfect time for me to give up and not be relentless about changing my lifestyle.

What did I do? First, I wanted my insides (heart, mind, and spirit) renewed. I asked God to change all of that and give me a new heart and he did. The transformation happened at a marriage and single retreat that my aunt and uncle were hosting. I went to one of the classes just minding my own business and the power of God showed up in that little room, next thing you know I found myself on the floor. The couple conducting the class told me that God was giving me a new heart, refreshing my spirit and mind. And when I get up from the floor my life will never be the same. (And they were right; my life has never been the same!!) Whatever hurt that I was feeling from my divorce would be no more.  Now, keep in mind I never met this couple before and they had no idea that I was still hurting from my divorce. This couple knew nothing about me. Once the class was over his wife began to speak some things into my life and those things have manifested.

Second, I began to observe the people around me and started to do an elimination process, quickly dissolving negative energy. Third, I looked at the things that I was putting into my body and how much of it I was consuming.  Fourth, I began to quote the scriptures and proclaim positive things over my mind, body, and soul. It is true that all of these things do work together! On paper this looks easy but it is a daily battle that can be achieved. 
Keep in mind this transformation did not take place over night. This was a LONG process that involved patience and staying relentless. Many times I would fall off the wagon and have to start all over again.

I have full revelation of what it really means to be healthy inside and out.  It is now a permanent part of my lifestyle. “When you do your part then God does his part.” I cannot take ownership of healing if I’m still holding on to cookie dough ice cream. Now don’t get it twisted I do treat myself every once in a while but I have discipline. All those that know me, know that my weakness is COOKIES...Chocolate Chip cookies. I don't need any chicken, rips tips or mac and cheese just give me COOKIES!! (Keep me lifted in prayer!) LOL!!

This brings me to today, working out and getting back into my routine. Let me just say I struggled today, LORD I WAS SO TIED!!!... Looks like I might have to call for back-up! J My personal trainer! As, for me there is a big difference when working out alone verses with a trainer. My trainer pushes me to the next level which is what I need! Just to be transparent for a second, I can be lazy so my suggestion would be, if you feel like you need a little push find a well qualified trainer that can help you achieve your goal.  And make sure he or she is nice because it will not work if they’re a jerk! L Trust me on this one!! I have a goal in mind and I gotta get there! Have a Fantastic Weekend!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Social Media Madness!

So, I know that change is good and it is necessary but let me just say...This social media dynasty is interesting. For a better way of saying, "Who really has the time to keep up with all that?"...I mean the phones nowadays do everything but put you to sleep. Good grief! And who knows they might have a phone that can do that, I'm just saying. LOL!!...I just don't understand. So of course I had to analyze the whole thing and this is what I came up with.

A few weeks ago I reactivated my Facebook page to reconnect with some of my peers, networking & preparing myself for my professional career. However, I have noticed that there is so much contamination on these social networks. Now don't get me wrong it is necessary because the world is constantly changing and one must keep up with the world, especially in the field that I am in. It is a fantastic tool for keeping up with what’s new be it concerts, books, plays etc. It is awesome for promoting certain events as well.

However, I have realized the mentality of this world is so unhealthy. That was one of my reasons for leaving Facebook the first time. This is just my opinion and how I feel but some people just take things a little bit too far and lose focus on what is important. Now on the other hand there have been some great and powerful words that have been posted that have helped to give great insight for me. It is not all negative!

 In a way social media has disconnected us from human connection. What happen to those random phone calls you would make to your home-girl or great aunt? Just calling to say hello didn't want anything just wanted to hear your voice. Or what happen to those random letters or cards you would drop in mail entitled "Just thinking of you"... We as a society have become lazy! I am guilty of this myself.
Doesn't look like it is going to change anytime soon!

Social media is important nowadays for your voice to be heard... Perfect example: My blog! I am grateful for this platform to be able to express my thoughts and to shoot some good energy into the world it can be a blessing or a curse it is how you use it. As they say "whatever floats your boat"... Unfortunately, I can't hide from this "Social Media Madness"; I must keep up with the program... You do what you got to do! As for me I chose to keep a positive light around me and welcome those that want to enjoy the sun with me. It is a good world out there and I am enjoying every second of it!

Enjoy your weekend!

Till next time!
Trica B

Follow Me!

Wanted to leave on a good note!!!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Much Gratitude!

 To Everyone! Thank you for your support!  Had a great time yesterday on Gospel 1570am! If you miss me this time you can catch me next time. Will keep you posted... "God creates much ROOM for your GIFTS"

Special thanks to Evangelist Washington, Evangelist Stanton, and Evangelist McCorkle! I absolutely love these women. They have supported me and my mother for many years and they are still pushing the both of us! Thanks Again!!

Till Next Time!

Have a FANTASTIC weekend!

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Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Just Believe!

Not really sure if this has ever happen to you but the little things in life can seem so BIG. I was having a conversation with God concerning a situation that required an instant decision. Later on that day God showed me something that kind of messed my head up. After taking care of some business I pulled by a tree and ate my lunch. The most usually thing happen to me, I was so blessed by this. Sometimes we all we have to do is stop be still and notice the things around us. For some people this might seem a little strange but, I am one of those people that notice the little things.
The message I got from this is: All we have to do is have faith and believe. While believing, "Wait". The animals automatically know that they will be cared for. Why is it so difficult for us as humans to believe and in that learning to WAIT...There were three things I learned from this. This bird had faith, he was determined, and he waited.

I hope this blesses you just as much as it blessed me! Let me know what you think!

Till Next Time!
Trica B

*SPECIAL Announcement* If your're not busy on Thursday August 8, 2013 @ 12noon. I will be a guest on Tune in!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Beginning 8!

It's August 1, 2013

Did I miss something...Where is that time going? Next month I will be approaching another Birthday. To be honest, that is kinda scary because, I am trying to figure out where did this year go? However, It will be a blessing to be in good health.

More pictures of the past! Hope you Enjoy!

8th grade Graduation

High school Graduation

My mini me! (Cece)

My singing family...We had some good times!

Love these women!

Another moment to smile!

My Godsister and the Kids!! Gotta Love them!

Till Next Time!
Trica B