Thursday, October 29, 2015

Love What I See!!

I really don’t know how to sum up these last several months. Just when I thought have seen enough of everything here comes something else. Constant movement, life changing events and having the ability to adjust to them steadily has not been easy for me. However, it has taught me a lot about myself. The biggest thing that I have learned is CONFIDENCE in thy self. I have never in all my days seen a society that is so insecure and unsure of their ability to succeed. The only way they can be validated is through the public, social media, significant other or whomever. It seems as though the world has turned into ONE big competition. And for WHAT?!?! What do you have to prove and why are you doing it is the question?!?

Social media and TV is slowly contaminating an entire generation of strong and well able young people. I think my frustration stems from the lack of purpose for life. If you have been following me you already know that I am a “God Chaser”. I love God with every fiber of my being and that will NEVER change. Yes I was born and raised in the Great oh’ Church Of God In Christ. However, that is not my purpose for life or why I love God!

My relationship with God is the greatest and most valuable thing that I can offer to the world. Meaning, how I live and conduct myself outside of church is what attracts people. That is the reason for my existence. I was created to worship God, not to be competitive and allow pointless things to define me. It has nothing to do with carrying a bible, shouting/dancing the best or wearing the biggest Jesus pin you find. I am so not impressed with any of that! No disrespect but I have found out that none of this stuff matters. When trouble came knocking at my door carrying the bible wasn’t going to get it. Once I opened the bible and began to get God for myself my life changed.

God had to build my confidence. And over the years I have found out, don’t expect others to build you up all the time because the day you need it most you will not get it! That is why I said you must have confidence in yourself through the word of God! Yes you are enough! Yes you can make it! Yes you are strong! Yes you are beautiful! Yes you can succeed. Believe me there are many days I struggle with this. I don’t always feel like I can do it! For me quoting the word of God is the quickest depression killer... “I can do all things through Christ that strengthen me”- Philp 4:19.

Immediately, I start to replay some of the traumatic experiences that God has brought me through and how I have been given a second chance at Life, Love and Everlasting happiness. Now, I can firmly say that all of those experiences was for the making of me. Say whatever you want about me but “I love what I see when I look at me”. God is responsible for putting confidence and self - love inside of me. It was NOT my bae, boo, significant other or whatever you want to call it. It was Jesus! Once God puts that confidence inside of you no HUMAN can remove it! Humans can be very temperamental, but Gods love is eternal. And with that love you will not feel the need to be competitive. Competition becomes null and void. The only competition is yourself which is to become stronger, and more self-assured.

Everything that you need God has already put it inside of you to win. The goal is for you to tap into it and RUN toward your destiny. Life distractions can cause you to lose focus and not be able to zone into those abilities but I assure you that ANY and ALL things can be done through Christ that strengthens you. The last time I check Gods word does not lie!
The confidence that I have, I have worked hard to get and it only gets better with time and the wisdom of God! Stop allowing others, the world, social media, etc. to give you what you need to feel important. To be completely transparent all of that stuff doesn’t matter when you are hurting. Not saying that social media is a negative vice all the time but, it serves a purpose for certain things. There are a lot of good things about social media just use it wisely.

Lastly, If you are fortunate to have a great support system around you. Such as family friends, co-workers, pastor etc. that have been consistent in your life, hold on to them because good friends are VERY hard to find! (That is a WHOLE different subject I could really preach about it if I wanted too but I am not!!) Some individuals have NO concept of what a good friend is even after you have shown them. Looorrrttttt!!!  Any whooo!!…I am going to leave that alone for now. 

“I love what I see when I look at me”-TricaB