Thursday, February 27, 2014

The Power of Choice

For those that believe in the Power of Choice I dedicate this to you!
I woke up on Sunday morning edgy and off balance. Which is unusually, Sunday’s are my favorite day of the week. It’s been a few weeks that I have been on “Nurse Duty” so most of my focus has been on my mother. However, there is no excuse to wake up “edgy and off balance” on Sunday morning. The real reason is I just did not want to be bothered with people or make myself put on a “FACE”…Was not really interested in pretending.

I had no intention of going to church on Sunday, but it worked out where my father was able to relieve me of my duty. There was a small voice that insisted “GET UP TRICA YOU NEED TO BE AT CHURCH TODAY”. Of course I argued and tried to negotiate with that voice but it was not working.  For those of you that have already concluded that I am a perfect little church girl … “NEWS FLASH” -à I’m NOT! Just like the rest of the world I get tired and things get on my last nerve. 

I am not afraid to admit that sometimes “TricaB” can be a mess in a half. Still a work in progress! Began to get ready for church and every negative thought that was possible began to rise in my head.  Prayed, quoted scriptures, and sang songs, nothing worked. I really struggled inside and could not seem to put my finger on it.

There are times when I feel like am I the only one that is really passionate about God. Many times I get made fun of or even talked about but it doesn’t matter. People automatically assume that I am being “deep” because I chose to put GOD in everything .  So what is wrong with that? I am in love with God, it’s just that simple. Would you call it “deep” if you talk about your “Boo” all the time?  No I don’t think so. When you are “In Love” with something or someone you want the whole world to know about it. His/Her name is frequently spoken out of your mouth. As a matter of fact they are always in your head. So again, I ask “What is wrong with being in Love with God?” 
Please forgive me I digress!

Had a conversation with someone wise and they made it clear that “the gift is not for yourself, it is for the world so use it”! You will wake up many mornings emotions will take over and “putting on face” will not be an alternative.  Have you ever had one of those days where you could not find a “face to put on”?

The entire time in the car I was praying because I just knew if somebody says anything that is off the wall I might have to go back to the altar. Like for real “TricaB was not having it”! It sounds funny but this is exactly how I felt and meant every word of it! There is no need to pretend sometimes, it helps to just be honest with yourself. I call it self-assessment.

The word had taken place and I began to feel a lot better. The pastor spoke on “Choices”, we as individuals are responsible for our own success. There is no need to blame the world for things that have not happen in your life. Earlier that week I had already been discussing this exact same issue.  As the day began to progress there was a powerful moment that took place around 1:50p.m at church. Those that were present know exactly what I am referring to.

So, I sat back in the seat and humbled myself because I knew something extraordinary was about to take place. It might sound crazy but I felt it! It was my turn to speak and “the gift” began. Before I knew it words of life began to pour out of my spirit. Tears began to fall from my eyes and of course the room was filled with love. My eyes scanned the room and tears were in everyone’s eyes.
There was a real sense of freedom and release for those that were present. I began to see how important “the gift” is. Being present Sunday was ordained by God. It had nothing to do with me; it was about The Power Choice.

The Power of Choice is fascinating to me because one simple act can change an entire room of people. All I did was respond to the voice of God, because I chose to override my feelings. It was hard but well worth it. Many confirmations were made about what was spoken and it made my heart happy. It spite of all the negative things that were running around in my head God knew where my heart was.

This gave me freedom knowing that I could be a blessing to someone. But in reality I was blessing myself. You never know what individuals are praying. My prayer is “Lord keep me at the right place at the right time”. There are a lot of hurting people out there. In ministry it is SO important to be sensitive to the needs of people. ßStill learning! I am guilty of NOT wanting to humble myself in order to hear. I always come up with creative excuses not to listen to the voice of God. But end up paying a price for it. We want God to hear us immediately, so what is the problem? We all have The Power of Choice so I invite you to choose Life!
This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. – Deuteronomy 30:19-20

We must believe in free will, we have no choice. - Isaac Bashevis Singer

Peace & Blessings! 

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Thursday, February 13, 2014


Love, love, love everybody’s talking about love! Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you! Being a woman who has always admired love, I often contemplate how a four letter word can affect the entire human race. It’s a powerful thing and does some bizarre things to people. I guess that is the mystery of it! And my reason for it being a mystery is this; we all see it in a diverse way. If I were to ask several people what does love mean to them they would most likely give different definitions; Complex, Good, Painful, Warm Fuzziness, Enthusiasm, Happy, Excited, Loyal etc. would probably be some of the answers. However, your interpretation of “Love” it is still all the same: It leaves us feeling some type of way!

Yes, I have been hurt, rejected and betrayed but somehow I’m still in love with love. Crazy hun..? The explanation that I can give is “For God so Love the world that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. - John 3:16”.  That explains it all! For those that believe already know that is some prevailing love. To give up your only child to die for humanity that is just incredible. And for those that don’t believe, this is just my conclusion based on evidence that has been proven over and over again in my life.

There is no way I could gather up that much love, considering my love can often times be unbreakable. There is absolutely no comparison. God showed his “Love” for me Aggressively by sending his only son to die for TricaB. Knowing that I don’t always do right, God still loves me! Often times I ignore him by not saying “Thank You” or go an entire day without talking to him. After all of that he still turns around and blesses me. Many blessings I received I didn’t even ask for but because I love God in return he loves me. Just by granting me another day to live shows me his Love!
I am not ashamed of what I believe because had it not been for God taking out his time to see about me I would not be here. Yes God is my first love and for that he has my heart forever and always!

Now… for those of you wondering, which I am sure you are…Besides the love for God, Does TricaB have a Valentine? Well...When I find out I will let you know!! (Drops the mic and leaves the stage…) Ha-ha!!…But seriously, I have been “In Love” and I still believe in it! It’s a beautiful thing when you are with the RIGHT person! If you want to know more about my story check it out here:

I believe in order to have a great relationship it starts with knowing “thyself”. Being comfortable in the skin you were born in. Loving thyself first is so important. How can I be a great mate if I don’t know myself? Or looking for someone else to make me feel good or to validate my existences. Those that know the “Real TricaB” will tell you I LOVE me some me! The picture I am trying to paint is this: Love yourself, know yourself, be happy with yourself and I guarantee you will attract “The RIGHT” mate that WILL respect you. I must add don’t settle for anything!  Loving “thyself” and knowing your self -worth will NOT allow you to just settle! Just because they are fine as wine means absolutely nothing. Trust me I had one of those, “No Bueno”!

 I can truly say that I am comfortable in my own skin. TricaB is flawed and still a work in progress but that is the beauty of it! It took me a long time to get to this point. More importantly, I like what I see when I look in the mirror. Not really interested in the validation of others to approve of me because people are flaky. Of course it feels good to be adored, admired, & appreciated but keep in mind, one minute they like you the next they hate you! But yet and still “I LOVE”

Enjoy this Valentine Day Weekend! Take the time to love the people that are dearest to you not just today but every day! 

“Love talked about can be easily turned aside, but love demonstrated is irresistible”- W. Stanley Mooneyham

Peace and Blessings!

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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

All you need

This is dedicated to my mimi! (Mom) I had to get permission first on this of course! My mother graciously agreed for me to share a little of her story. Thank you MiMi! So to give reason as to why I have been absent from my blogging duties, I have been pre-occupied in the role as daughter. This thing called “Life”. (Oldest child that duty) No offense Jay! Currently my mother is in surgery. I am not going to lie I was a nervous wreck for a minute. The beauty of all of this is my mother is the strongest woman I know outside of my grandmother. I am convinced to believe that she is made of steel. Her strength goes beyond human understanding. Her heart I do believe is made of gold and her compassion is immeasurable. It hit me this morning how blessed I am to have such a powerful and confident woman that knows EXACTLY who she is. Her confidence is fierce. I think her confidence should be patent and sold. Just that alone would make her a Billionaire. I am still trying to figure out the secret to it.  After all of that I realize that many people are not fortunate to have the luxury of being born into…. I would say royalty! No I do not live in a castle or ride in a horse driven carriage nor was I born with a silver spoon in my mouth BUT to be holding the D.N.A of strength, influence and integrity makes me the wealthiest woman alive.

The surgery today is her Answered Prayer. Answered Prayer Seriously?!?! YES!
Back in1995 my mother was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors pretty much said there is nothing else we can do for you. She was given two years to live with or without chemo. However, the doctors were completely wrong about their diagnoses. It is 2014 and she is still here and in good health. The power of prayer and faith works! A person cannot go wrong with these two. But you have to believe. The cool thing about faith is it just requires the size of a mustard seed. That’s it!

My mother believed and when she returned back to the doctor’s office the cancer was gone. God had healed my mother from Cancer! Believe what you want but I am a believer. There was a tremendous fight of course. It was a long HARD FIGHT to live BUT she kept on believing. Her faith transcended healing. So naturally I would characterize her as a fighter! More like my own personal super hero.

My mother is an ordained minister. I can honestly say that she lives and practices what she preaches. There is nothing shady or two-faced about her. A virtuous woman indeed!  An example that I can learn from. Now, I am not trying to say that she is perfect or without blemishes but she certainly walks in integrity.

The story does continue but the message that I am trying to transmit to you is Faith! Out of her testimony and experience God has outlined a ministry. She is now a Cancer and Wellness Advocate. The testimony has turned into her passion/love. (On a comical side) this is all she talks about! I am her sounding board for many ideas and thoughts. Her mission now is to educate, motivate, and share her story through public speaking, health and wellness seminars around the world.

Again, today’s surgery is an answered prayer. I promised my mother that I would not tell all of the details I would leave that for her to share! The greatest feeling for me, is knowing that she will no longer have to be in constant pain/discomfort. She can now continue her work FULL SPEED ahead! And TODAY she will be freed from a thorn that has been harassing her for 20 years!  She says often: “The devil might TRY to slow me down but he can NEVER stop me!”

Please forgive me if I come off as bragging, that is not my intent but my mother is just SO DARN amazing. I am proud to know her and pray that I can obtain at least ¼ of her character. Of, course I only told a fraction of her story but I just wanted to dedicate this post to my mimi. Because I do believe in celebrating people while they are alive and can HEAR the adoration.  I LOVE YOU MIMI!

So, Ladies and Gentlemen celebrate the people in your life that have deposited good things into you. It can be anyone. It doesn’t have to be a blood relative; it could be the mailman etc. If he/she puts a little sunshine in your life let them know it. Don’t wait until it is too late and they can no longer hear you. I don’t care how old/young or strong a person is everyone needs to be loved and adored every once in a while. Lastly, let your Faith be the navigation for your life. It doesn’t have to be much but use it and RUN with it. All you need is a mustard seed. Whatever, challenges you may be dealing with Faith and Prayer REALLY does work if you believe! Everything is possible, Just Believe!

Peace and Blessings!

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