Friday, September 27, 2013

Those FIVE Seconds!!

Before I continue, I must express that this is just my story and it is not to degrade or belittle my ex-husband in any shape form or fashion. The purpose is not to point the blame toward one person. During the course of my marriage I knew that I had part to blame. I never claim to be a perfect little wife because I was not. But the goal is to point out a decision that was not in God. Did I learn from this?  You bet your socks I did!
Please don’t think that I am degrading him or using this platform to male bash because I do not believe in that. (My parents raised me better than that!)
I haven’t spoken to my ex-husband in years and honestly, I don’t care to BUT I will not use this opportunity to spread negative energy. These stories are based on true facts through “Trica’s Eyes” and will be use to edify mankind.  These experiences are about me and how I chose to let God rescue me!

*Now back to the story!*
May 2003 we came back to Chicago to visit family and friends and during this time I and my husband were not on good terms. The last night of our visit here in Chicago we were arguing, (as a matter of fact we argued the entire time) and at the time I was not feeling well. During our stay we decided to stay with our families separately. He decided that it was best for me to keep the car with me at my parent’s home. Before I went to bed he called me in rage about something (don’t remember what it was) trying to continue an unnecessary argument. Due to me not feeling well I had no strength to proceed with arguing so I calmly told him I would see him in the morning and I ended the conversation.

The plan was to leave at 4 am in order for him to go back to work. The next morning my mother and I prepared to load my vehicle and to my discovery the car was gone. At first I thought the car was stolen but I instantly heard a voice inside “He took the car and he is gone”. You might find this hard to believe but I was SO calm. I knew it was the peace of God that had come over me. After about five or ten minutes my spirit and my brain finally caught up with each other and I knew he LEFT ME.

Now my parents on the other hand were not so calm!! They were Livid after I told them that he is GONE and he was not coming back. My mother asked me how I did know that for sure (my spirit kept telling me) because we were going to call the police... After several attempts of trying to reach him on his cell phone reality started to become clear. I remember coming back into the house and I sat on the couch and God showed me exactly what happened. During the night he had his mother and sister to drive him to my parent’s home and retrieve the car. The night before he already knew that he was going to leave me because I was not responding to what/how he wanted. This let me know that he had premeditated the entire event.

The hurt started to slowly reach my heart but I could not cry. The only thing I could do was accept that this was the end of my marriage. So I decided to call his mother and his sister answered the phone. I asked: “Where is my husband?” She replies: “He is not here and I am not sure where he is!” I already knew she was lying.  My heart was telling me the truth but I did not want to believe it. I still wanted to hang on to some HOPE. The lies continued, and the pain was getting stronger and stronger but still NO tears. I had become numb.

After about 10 times of trying to call him he finally answered the phone. He answered the phone like it was another beautiful day in the neighborhood! WHAT!!!!! I knew then he had lost his mind… “Did you forget something?” I asked.  He replies: “It was something that I had to do and it had to be done”. Those words went through me like venom.  It felt like time had stopped and all I could do was hear my heart racing. I just stood there staring out the window. Not realizing that God was creating a way of escape for me.

Do you want me to send you a bus ticket? He says. I replied: “Are you serious?” I paused for five seconds. Those five seconds changed my life because I actually took the time to think. “Do I want to go back to Wisconsin? Do I still want to continue in this marriage? Is it really worth it? And the final question, Do I want to remain his wife? Those were the longest five seconds of my life.
My emotions started to take over. I became afraid, disappointed and humiliated.
Afraid: what was I going to do? How was I going to survive?  Disappointed: how was I going to face my family? What was I going to tell them?  Humiliated: he had the nerve to leave me at my parent’s house.  MY PARENTS HOUSE for crying out loud!

Decisions are made every day and therefore it is our duty to make the right decision. Horrible decisions can affect not only just us but an entire generation. Therefore we must be honest with ourselves and face the facts. I am not going to lie; it was hard because I had become immune to this relationship. It didn’t matter that the relationship was toxic; I just did not want to be a failure in my marriage. Yes I loved him and wanted to be with him but I knew WAY DEEP down inside that there was someone better for me. I chose to ignore it.
The Truth Hurts but can Heal only if we allow it!

We often sabotage are own happiness because of influence. We allow people around us (noise) to inject our minds and spirits with information that holds no value.
My question to you; Why can’t we just be honest and face the facts? Especially in relationships. Our hearts never lie, Our spirits know the truth but we often put both of them on mute. As for me, I was so caught up in emotion and the whole fantasy of what I THOUGHT marriage/relationships was about. In my opinion, the person you date/marry is a reflection of who you are!

If he/she is negative or abusive in any way then there is something on the inside of you that is attracting negative and abusive relationships. You attract what you are. I don’t claim to be a genius or anything I’ve just learned to be honest with myself. This process has taken years to perfect. It is not a process that happens over night. But I have just accepted that the reality of certain situations can save a lot of time and pain.
A close friend of mind told me that “Rejection is Gods protection”.  Be honest with your reflection! It is easier said than done but it can be mastered.

My wonderful mother took off her job and drove me back to Wisconsin. When I arrived at my home the locks had been changed and all of my possessions were put outside….
The story continues!


Have a fantastic weekend! My birthday has officially started....!!!! J

Till Next Time!

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Who are you with?!?!

At, 21 I chose to get married and move away from the only life I have ever known. This age I was extremely daring and fearless. There was no such thing as “NO”. Others would say it was the dumb stage when you “think” you are an expert on life and know everything. In reality you know NOTHING at all! My entire 20’s I was not so smart. The lights really didn’t go off in my head until I was 30.

I moved to Eau Claire Wisconsin thinking that I was going to be “Happily Ever After” not knowing that there was trouble waiting right around the corner for me. All I can remember is: I knew I wanted to be married but didn’t have a complete understanding about the “Sacredness” of marriage. It was a blessing that I was able to see great examples of marriage around me. However, I was young and foolish and did not want to listen but I paid for it.

When you are that age you have a tainted view of life and can be easily deceived. Now days everyone wants to get “Married” which is great but you want to be “Happily Married” to the right one. Trust me on this one I know what I am talking about. Marriage in my eyes is beautiful and I welcome it again with open arms. But this time, I chose to give God FULL permission to bring the right man to me. So this means, “It is not my job or responsibility to find my mate”. Last time I did that it almost cost me my life.  God has a way of letting you know that you are not that smart without him. (In all thy ways acknowledge him and He will direct your path... (Proverbs 3:5)

I believe that Marriage is a beautiful reflection of Gods L O V E for you. God cares so much to design someone just for you. Both man and woman are spiritually joined together. Some people would not agree with what I am going to say but I feel like the connection between man and woman should be so strong that you inhale and exhale at the same time not missing a beat or motion with each other. It is like the both of you share a heartbeat. It goes past your likes or dislikes it is a spiritual connection that joins you which for me is so POWERFUL!! The connection is so strong you can pick up their thoughts without saying a word. And then when man and woman make eye contact they know exactly what is going on in their mind. God takes his time to search the world to find a spiritual match just for you. “The Core connection” is what I call it.

It is no joke being married to someone that is not for you. But I was so determined to make my marriage work that I did not care about the signs. What was I thinking?!?! I was a bullhead. All I wanted to do was prove everyone wrong. God proved me wrong…! Go figure! (But you know what? I am SO glad God proved me wrong because I have a second chance at a “Core Connection”.)
Just because your mate goes to church, carries a “New Bible” and gets “Baptized” does not mean he/she has a True Relationship with GOD and that he/she will treat you right. I had one of those before and it was all a front. At the time everyone else could see it but not me.

The entire time we were dating I actually believed that he was really living for God. (Lord Help me!) As I reflect, he wasn’t thinking about Jesus.  It is a “Whole” different story when you get behind closed doors and have to live with that person. The real Demons come out! TRUST ME!!

There was a huge price that I had to pay but the goal is I learned and that is one lesson that I will NEVER have to learn again! It does not pay to be stubborn because it could cost you your life. God had his hand on me and he knew that there was a testimony and a ministry that was going to come out of it. My marriage lasted 2 year and during that time my self -esteem went straight to the dirt. Every day I was sad and depressed and I could not get out of it. Depression and poor self image became my best friends. I stop caring about what I looked like and I didn’t have a desire to do anything. During this time I gained so much weight. I didn’t realize that I was eating myself to an early grave.

Every time I looked in the mirror I did not know who that girl was. My reflection was painful and disturbing. When you are spiritually connected with sin it shows. Now that I look back, was it really worth it to be bullhead/stubborn?

So I want to offer some advice to you if you are wrapped-up in a relationship where you know WAY down in your gut/core that he/she is not for you RUUNNNNNN!!!!! The PAIN and HELL is not worth it!! God is so thoughtful where he will give you signs and speak through people that have been through it to help warn you.  PLEASE listen to those people especially if they have great integrity. There is a difference when someone is just being mean, nosy and just wants to see you miserable. My intentions are to motivate and pass positive energy into the world. My prayer is that my experience will help prevent you from making a horrible decision.

It took me years to heal from that experience. The healing process was AGONY for me. Now, that I have recovered from that I have moved on. I can proudly say that PERMANENT HAPPINESS is here to stay! When you get a taste of real happiness there is something on the inside that will not allow you to go back. I told depression and poor self image that they where no longer invited for the ride. (GET GONE!!!) I know this might sound a little cheesy but every morning when I wake my spirit is so darn excited to be alive and happy. Sometimes I feel like I want to break out into a Disney song.  LOL! The peace I have is immeasurable!

Now on a side note: Someone told me (a church person) that there is no way you can be that Happy all the time. Let me just say YES IT IS POSSIBLE to be HAPPY all the time. Don’t let anyone tell you that REAL happiness does not exist that is foolishness! I am a living example that you can be Happy! Just because they chose to be sad and miserable does not mean you have to take ownership of that. (The JOY of the Lord is my strength (Nehemiah 8:10)
The key to my happiness is GOD…. (betta ask somebody!) This kind of stuff makes me angry in the spirit because that is pure NONSENSE!! How many times do we allow Satan to talk us out of God’s blessings and promises for our lives! Read the bible it tells you how to get and keep your happiness.

After the divorce the healing process involved counseling, forgiveness, church, and a lot of prayer. I chose to stay in Eau Claire Wisconsin to recover for a minute. And the only reason why I stayed is because my ex-husband made the mistake of telling that I could not make it without him and I could not survive on my own. Well I and God proved him wrong. (I and God make a pretty good team!) God came in so fast and rescued me. There is a scripture that says: (Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies… (Pslam 23:5)
The story continues….
 Tune in next time for the rest!!!

Till Next Time!

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Thursday, September 12, 2013

International Faith Conference at Living Word Christian Center 2013

This week has been SHO NUFF AMAZING….!!! I had to drop by and give all of you an update on this week’s events.  It started early Monday morning. Prior to that my father had given me advice on what I needed to do in order to prepare myself for the blessings of God. To summarize the conversation it is clearly “Positioning”. There was a dying of myself because I TRULY did not want to be bothered if you know what I mean. My personality comes in so many dimensions. But the side I am referring to is being an introvert and allowing the extrovert to take over when necessary. There were things that I had to open my mind to in order to step INTO. Of course this scared me but “God has not given me the spirit of Fear but of Power Love and a sound mind  (2 Timothy 1:7)."

*Now back to early Monday morning* Did I say that this week has been AMAZING…just in case you missed it!! LOL. Both I and my mother were honored to be guest at Bill Winston Ministries Annual Women’s Luncheon held during 2013 International Faith Conference at Living Word Christian Center. The moment we hit the door you could feel the present of the Lord. Pastor Kimberly Ray was the speaker and there are NO words to explain that. All I have to say is (Mark 11:23-24). “God has given you voice activation power to speak to the mountain-Pastor Kimberly Ray."

 Let me just add that my father was right on this one! Thank God I had the “will” to obey because I was blessed indeed!!

Tuesday night at the International Faith Conference held at Living Word Christian Center Dr. Jesse Duplantis was the speaker. “Believe the Unbelievable” was the message.  Mark 11:23-24 popped up again! Ok Lord, talk to me because you obviously want me to get this. So here goes...Believe the things that are OUTSIDE the box. For me I never did have a box mentality. I can’t really move around in a box, not enough room!!  The ability to Believe things the human mind cannot comprehend. All the logic goes right of the door. Dr. Duplantis was so good that I was trying to take notes and listen at the same time. He is one of my favorite preachers. I got to get the DVD. There was so much to absorb but I will say this, you should no longer be concerned about the “HOW” of what is need/want in your life. JUST BELIEVE. Faith is right NOW, not LATER.

Faith is Present tense my friend. It is SO Simple... (Light Bulb moment!) Ok I could go on and on about that...
Praise and Worship was EPIC on Wednesday night….Todd Dulaney and LWC choir ushered in the present of God. Being a natural praise and worshipper myself I was truly in my element. I could have stayed right there the entire night. Dr. Creflo A. Dollar brought the word and it completely enlightened my thinking process. The way he dissected God’s Grace for your life was refreshing. “Grace is unlimited favor for your life. God is not good to you because you’re good. God is Good to you because God is GOOD…-Dr. Creflo DollarThank God for Grace because I would not be here without it. Then to put the icing on the cake Donald Lawrence & Company just tore up the place.  LAWD HAVE MERCY…!!! “There Remained a Rest…”ß---This song right here messed me up! New CD is coming out September 24, 2013 go get it! I highly recommend you to purchase this CD. 

Donald Lawrence & Company

There were SO many awesome things that took place; these were just some highlights I wanted to share with you! If there was a thing as being “HAPPY” for NO reason I would say that BUT I got a BILLION reasons why I am Happy in Jesus at this Present Moment. When God gives you a divine understanding on things you struggle with, it FREE’s you from Religious thinking. So glad I am free…
Excuse me but I have to run “Divine Favor” has just landed and I gotta catch my flight… J (TricaB)
Have a great Weekend!

Till Next Time!
Trica B

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Friday, September 6, 2013

Happy Friday EVERYONE!!

So, we all know that the football season started last night and of course the men in my life illuminated with excitement. They acted as though they were in the game. Calm down…SERIOUSLY! Not really a football fan, but basketball I do LOVE! Don’t claim to be an expert but I do understand the game. Looking forward to D-Rose making his appearance this season, GO BULLS!! I am the kind of woman that will provide the food, drinks, & sweets for any game and of course cater to my guests. It is hard for me to sit during an entire football game. If the Bears decide to do something this season MAYBE I will consider watching it. However, this was a great excuse to order pizza and relax. This was an opportunity for the family to talk and to catch up on everyone’s events for the week.

While eating I began to reminisce about how AWESOME God is and what he is doing RIGHT NOW. There were some request I had before God and he answered them and I didn’t even realize it. Then all of a sudden my dad looked at me and said “You’re going to be alright, God has worked everything out for your good”. I asked him; “Dad are you being serious or funny because that is so random?” Sometimes I cannot tell because he is so silly! He said “Yes, I am being serious!” Being who I am I had to ask him a million questions because that’s just me! The more he began to talk and explain what God had told him concerning my life it hit me like a ton of bricks. (Light bulb moment!) OH MY GOODNESS! LORD YOU ANSWERED MY PRAYERS!
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28) God has strategized my entire life and turned it into a VICTORY story!

My father has never been the parent that has been nosy or intruded into my life. He would give me the information and then let me decide which way I should go with it. But last night he expressed how concerned he was for me. He also said; “As a parent it is normal to worry about your kids”! I always knew he was concerned but it took me by surprised because I really seen it in his eyes. The eyes are connected to the heart. This really touched me. My Dad has witnessed most if not all of my down falls, pain, grief, sleepless nights, rejections etc. (the list goes on and on ) 
Right then God began to put an overwhelming amount of peace and joy over me. And the peace of God which passes all understanding. (Phip 4:7) Thank God for his peace because my understandings can be really jacked up sometimes. LOL…!

The things that appear don’t mean anything because I have chosen to walk by Faith. This walk might be scary but just keep on walking... We walk by faith and not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7) Those obstacles begin to look smaller and smaller. Now don’t get me wrong there will be days when you experience pure panic and you don’t know what to do. That is when the word of God is ammunition to kill what Satan is trying to make bigger. I believe that Satan will tap- dance all over your situation if there is no word. The word of God is the daily source you need to fight against the wilds of the devil. Satan strategizes too and he knows your weakness, and your strengths. So therefore, you have to use what you know which is the word of God to destroy his plans for your life.

I just wanted to shoot some inspiration into the atmosphere. Be encouraged and know that the Greater one lives on the inside of you! J Take the time to enjoy every moment of the day and be blessed! When in doubt ALWAYS go to the word of the God!

Be Victorious in Jesus!

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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Happy September!

My Holiday weekend was enjoyable! Went down to the Jazz Festival with the lil bro and we had a great time despite the annoying flying bugs. Those things were working on my last nerves. Spending time with the lil bro (jay) was way over due. J I can’t remember the last time we had a chance to hangout like that. Let me just say that “Robert Glasper and the Experiment” were AMAZING. I admire human beings for having capacity to produce such pleasurable sound.  It was one of those moments that I have often where I Thank God for my sense of hearing. Music is so influential and effective. It is true; “Music” is a universal language. As I stood there absorbing every note I gazed over the mass of people and noticed serenity on their faces. People and children were grooving, dancing, laughing and enjoying the moment. It always amazes me how little things are so important! The entire time my ear drums were dancing all over the place. It was electrifying. Whew….! 


Now on a serious note!
There was a statement my pastor said on Sunday that stuck with me “Ministry is not always glamorous nor is it always fun”. So I began to ponder that these last few days. My interpretation is, REAL ministry comes with a huge price along with an enormous amount of sacrificing and waiting. I had no idea that the things that I wanted and desired as a woman I would have to “Wait” for because of my commitment I made with God.

To be transparent for a minute, my birthday is quickly approaching and to be honest it frightened me because I am looking at “my list” and it is not even close to what I desired for myself. At this age I had something totally different. Let’s just say the script has completely changed and I was completely dumb founded. I am still picking my face up off the floor.  In your twenties you have “The list” of things that you want to do and the time that you want to achieve it etc. You are completely naïve about life not knowing that life is going to knock the wind out of you. God sure does have a sense of humor!

I am not having a petty party I am just merely saying that the lights have gone off in my head. DUH!!! If your lights are not going off check your bulb! LOL
Everyday God is reminding me: I run this and you have committed your life and ways to me so I am holding you accountable. So the self assessment began AGAIN…. “Trica you are accountable get your act together and accept what I am doing for you. It’s not going to happen when and how you want it so ADJUST and kill all that other stuff and quit being a block head.” Thank God for grace and mercy because sometimes I can be 3 “S’s” Simple, Silly, & Stubborn! The Lord has a lot of patience with me. Thank God for Jesus! My grandpapa Oliver says all the time: “Excuse the dust I am still under construction, God is not through with me yet”.

Yesterday I had a talk with my dad and we both have come to the conclusion that the word “WAIT” is not our favorite word. Every time I hear that word I start cringing. For me waiting means sacrifice and unwavering patience. So of course “The List” is shredded and out the door.  Now on the flip side waiting could be a good thing because the results could be more valuable for example, investing money or savings bonds. The longer you wait the bigger the return. You could withdraw it early but the return will not be to your liking.  So “Big returns” come to those who wait and endure the process. Just my opinion! In the meantime I need to take a dose of my own medicine.

Now if you’re waiting on something that has not giving you any proof or manifestation of good return then it could be a bad thing. For example; waiting on a person to change or do something when you know this individual as no intention to follow- through/change. The manifestation of their actions is telling you something completely different. My mother told me watch a person action because that gives you all the information you need. This is so true! This is when waiting can be a cancer to you. My advice would be don’t waste your time waiting unnecessarily. If you are going to wait let it have a purpose and a guaranteed return.

 A situation occurred and my parents asked me “What are you waiting for? It is time for you to “Keep it Moving”!  I was waiting on a situation to change and I already had the proof right in front of me. The return I was receiving was not worth it. The proof was the ammunition I needed to make my next move. That was my light bulb moment… It was time for me to get off the short bus! LOL

The word “Wait” has positive and negative meanings but it is up to the person to decide the outcome. For me, it is all about the return. If my return in the end will be greater than I am willing to wait but if I know that the return will be negative or even harmful, it is time to say “Goodbye”. No need on waiting because time is constantly ticking. You decide!


Till Next Time! 
Trica B

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